
Photo of MeI am an associate professor of Business Communication & Digital Media at the department of Communication and Cognition, Tilburg University. My research and teaching focus on the social consequences of online communication, specifically on online dating, influencer persuasiveness, online impression management and formation, online cooperation, dehumanization, and social media and well-being. I am the coordinator of our specialization Business Communication and Digital Media, Associate Editor of Cyberpsychology.eu, and I am also the president of NeFCA, the Netherlands-Flanders Communication Association.

I live in Amsterdam, in De Baarsjes. Besides my work, I really like cooking, rock climbing (although I hardly get around doing it anymore), running, hiking, traveling, reading about (popular) science, and my family. If you are interested in some more personal aspects of my life, you can also find me on Instagram, Facebook, and X (although I hardly ever use the latter two). I may even end up sharing some recipes and photos here in the future, but don’t count on it.

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Study: Originality in dating profile texts

Study: Originality in dating profile texts

New Paper in PLOS One. We find that owners of dating profile texts that are seen as original are seen as more intelligent and as having a better sense of humor. Moreover, by combining survey research with a content analysis of profile texts, we were able to identify what makes a dating site text original. …

New Paper: Influencer advertising on Instagram

New Paper: Influencer advertising on Instagram

Our paper on the role of product-endorser fit and influencer popularity has been published in the International Journal of Advertising. …